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This site is built with Astro (front-end) and WordPress (back-end). This decoupled setup makes this site unhackable.

Astro powers the world's fastest websites, client-side web apps, dynamic API endpoints, and everything in-between.

Lightning-fast hosting, intuitive, flexible editing, and everything you need to grow your site and audience, baked right in WordPress

Why use Astro

Written by sazzadtanim

Astro powers the world’s fastest websites, client-side web apps, dynamic API endpoints, and everything in-between.

Content-first websites

Fetch data from your CMS or work locally with type-safe Markdown and MDX APIs. Astro automatically removes unused JavaScript and renders to HTML for better core web vitals, conversion rates and SEO.

Web applications & APIs

Build and embed powerful client-side web applications (SPAs, PWAs) when you need them. Align your backend APIs and frontend code together in the same Astro codebase. Author in React, Svelte, Vue, and more.

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